January 31, 2024 - English

Principal’s Message 

Hi Families!

Can you believe how fast time has flown by? For me, as a new principal, it has been so heartwarming to see all the events that the Bubb community has going on with the help of our PTA so everyone has a way to be a part of Bubb.  

Before the year even started, we had kinder playdates.  Once the year got started, we had a popsicle social, Reading Under the Stars at the Book Fair, Monster Mash and of course our wonderful Walk-a-Thon.  Coming up we have Math Night on February 9th and Diversity night on March 29th.  We always look forward to having families participate at Bubb.  

Thanks to all parents who are helping provide snacks for the staff.  The variety has been wonderful and they really enjoy them!  

We also have the PTA silent auction items available for you to look at.  Please find the event or party that interests your student/family and put in a bid starting on February 2nd and ending on February 4th.  This is a great opportunity to raise money for Bubb PTA and Bubb because we are a T.E.A.M. 

Registration for next year began last week and runs through February 9th.  If you need any assistance with the process, please contact [email protected].  

The LCAP survey has been sent to your email.  Please complete it by February 16th. 

We are continuing to promote Kindness at Bubb.  The week of February 12th-16th is Random Act of Kindness week.  Bubb is planning activities to continue showing that we are using the BUBB way by being upstanders.  

I am excited and proud to be a part of this community!  


Principal Kobata

Important Dates 


2024 Bubb PTA Silent Auction


Field Trip Kinder - Rm - Hidden Villa- 9:00am to 12:00


PTA Math Night


Field Trip Kinder - Rm 3 and 2 - Hidden Villa- 9:00am to 12:00


End of Trimester 2 - Minimum Day Dismissal at 11:55 am

2/19 - 2/23

Winter Break- NO SCHOOL


Nathan Hale Author Visit


Michael Katz Assembly


Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL

4/1 - 4/5

RAFT MAKER Van Assembly

4/8 - 4/12

Spring Break- No school

School News 

Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found rack is getting full! Check to see if you can find your student’s sweater, jacket or water bottle. It is located on the main hallway near Room 13. All parents are encouraged to label their child’s clothing with the student’s initials and room number. All unclaimed items are donated to charity at the end of the trimester

End of Trimester is 2/16

The first trimester ends next Friday, February 16, 2023.  It will be a minimum day with dismissal at 11:55 am for all students.

District News 

Student enrollment in MVWSD for next year is open now!

Enrollment for next fall for all students in the Mountain View Whisman School District is open now at www.mvwsd.org/register.

For CURRENT students in transitional kindergarten-7th grade: Parents, click on the link in your email to confirm enrollment before February 9.

For families enrolling NEW students, please check www.mvwsd.org/register  to locate your neighborhood school, how to explore school options and the four steps to register before February 9.   

Do you need in-person help to register your child? Sign up at http://mvw.sd/help and attend any of the help sessions:

  • Jose Antonio Vargas Elementary, January 31 @ 5-7 p.m.

  • Theuerkauf Elementary, February 1 @ 5-7 p.m.

Complete your LCAP survey today! (before Feb. 16)

The District is updating the LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan). Your responses to the survey will guide the update of our District plan for the 2024-25 school year. Please click on your unique survey link sent to your email on Jan. 29. Your responses are confidential. Students in grades 4-8 will also be taking the LCAP survey. More information found here: mvwsd.org/LCAP

Fifth-grade parents: Recordings of sixth-grade information night

In case you missed the meeting, recordings (both English and Spanish) of the 6th-grade information meetings are posted on each middle school’s website. Crittenden is here. Graham is here.


SAVE THE DATE for the MVEF Gala: MVEF will hold its Annual Fundraising Gala on Saturday, April 27, 2024. The MVEF Gala is an opportunity for parents, teachers, business leaders and community members to come together to support local schools. 

If you can't attend in-person, you can still sponsor the Gala or participate in the Online Auction by donating or bidding on items. To donate an item or a bottle of wine to the auction please email [email protected]  

February CAC and LCC Events 

SELPA 1 CAC and the Learning Challenge Committee are your groups for special education and broader learning challenge needs. If you have questions about learning challenges and special education needs, email [email protected] or check out www.selpa1cac.org

We encourage families to learn about the sensory needs all children: Try a Sensory Diet

Mountain View Whisman School District  and SELPA 1 CAC are sending out a survey with questions about parent experience with the special education department. Please answer this survey to let MVWSD know about your experiencet.


Special Education in MVWSD Parent Survey


Please let us hear your voice! 


General Parent/Community Meeting 

February 5, 2023 on Zoom

with Special Ed. Directors & Staff, Zoom at 4 pm for LCC and 4:15 pm for CAC. We will be planning for the year, discussing upcoming programs and having a question period for administrators. For our agenda, please join our Google group, https://groups.google.com/g/selpa1cac. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odOGhpzItH90IzOAEI6N7uldUYugzvgdH

Let’s Talk

February 6, 10 am

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYudeGpqD8sHNb80rmjfyQ4qm1HiE8ydWDw

Parent Chat

February 13, 10 am

Are you concerned about the emotional well-being of your child?  Peer to peer support for parents of teens with mental health challenges. Every second Tuesday of the month at 10 am on Google Meet. Meeting is for 1 hour only due to Google Meet limitations. Contact [email protected] for invite.

Missed our Parent Education events?

We have a YouTube channel with many of our past events including the recent talk on Assistive Technology, last year’s Inclusive Fun Fair for summer camps and recreational activities, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Learning Challenges, SMART Goals and IEP Troubleshooting, and more. Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuy7IcVz-4LTDxv2Jaq13nw

Silicon Valley Reads: A Greener Tomorrow Starts Today

Each year, Silicon Valley Reads brings Mountain View together with neighboring Santa Clara County libraries and other organizations to read and learn about an important topic that will jumpstart conversations. This year’s theme, “A Greener Tomorrow Starts Today,” will showcase books and events that focus on environmental sustainability.

We invite you to read one of the featured books and attend special events to address the critical and urgent need to take action toward sustainability.

To celebrate the start of Silicon Valley Reads, join us for a kickoff event at the Visual Performing Arts Center at De Anza College on Wednesday, Jan. 31 and engage in a conversation with authors and contributors to the featured books. Younger children are invited to a Silicon Valley Reads Inspired Storytime on Tuesday, Feb. 6 that will showcase The Forest Man and related songs, stories and rhymes.

City of MV: Lunar New Year 

The City of Mountain View is hosting a Lunar New Year celebration on Saturday, February 10 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Mountain View Community Center (201 S. Rengstorff Ave.). The event will feature live performances, crafts, games, and community booths. For more information, call the Recreation Division at 650-903-6331 or visit MountainView.gov/SpecialEvents. 

MV Public Library: Parenting Program 

Join the MV Public Library for their virtual “Parenting in Climate Crisis” program on Tuesday, February 27 from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm. Climate change has put pressure on the mental health of young people. Spend a lunch hour with Jainee Dial, the Executive Director of Gen Dread,and gain ways to actively support your child's processing of negative emotions and experiences around climate change and calm eco-anxiety. This conversation is tailored toward parents of children 8 years or older, including teens. Register for the event here: https://mountainview.libcal.com/event/11704154

PTA News 

The Bubb PTA 2024 Silent Auction starts THIS WEEK!!

 It’s here!!! Check out the Bubb PTA 2024 Silent Auction. All the items will be up for auction starting this Friday, February 2nd @ noon (12pm) - Sunday, February 4th @ 9pm. 100% of the proceeds from this auction go to funding so many of our kids' activities (field trips, library books, social events and more)! OVER 100 ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR AUCTION! Time to make a list of items you'd like to bid on! 


Pre-Auction Parents Night Out - Thursday, 2/1 @ 7pm

Join fellow Bubb adults at St. Stephen's (downtown Mountain View) the night before the auction kicks off! We can discuss all the fun items while mingling - learn more about the parties being offered. There will even be a raffle for one of the auction prizes!!


General PTA meeting highlights

Thank you everyone who was able to attend our January Bubb PTA meeting last Tuesday. We approved additional budget to support room parent activities ($150/room), field trips, assemblies, students in need and other priorities. For all the details, here is a link to the minutes for more information. Our next meeting is March 26, 2023.


Join the team! Now recruiting for next year’s PTA Executive Board

Interested in helping set Bubb PTA priorities and making a positive impact in our community? We are starting to look for candidates for next year's Bubb PTA Executive Committee. Lots of different roles are available, email [email protected] for more information. 


Math Night (and Volunteers Needed) - 5:30-7:00pm on February 9, 2024:

Math Night (and Volunteers Needed): Bubb PTA is excited to host another great family event! Mathnasium, a local math learning center, will be providing math games and setting up stations that will be organized by grade levels (K-2, 3-5).  Parent attendees will be encouraged to participate and play the games with their kids at the stations. 

Please consider volunteering for our upcoming Math Night - we need many hands to make this a success for attendees. Please be on the lookout for the signup sheet coming soon. No prior experience necessary and training will be provided 30 minutes before the event. We are also in need of some registration/refreshment helpers as well as treat donations! Help make this a fantastic night of fun and learning! (We are also looking to recruit 25-30 Graham Middle School/Mountain View High School/Los Altos High School students to serve as game hosts. Please contact [email protected] or feel free to fill this form if you have an older student who is interested in helping!)


Open call: Talent show help needed

Did you love watching the kids show off their unique talents last year at the Talent Show? Do you love the performing arts and want to share that with the Bubb cubs? Be part of the action this year and help our students shine! Please reach out to [email protected] to sign up.


Stay connected with the Bubb PTA and Our Bubb Community

Stay in the loop - Join Konstella

Have your voice heard by joining the PTA

Follow Bubb PTA on FB for exclusive content on everything that's happening 

Bubb PTA Webpage

Bubb Elementary Webpage

Looking for after school activities? Check out current listings.


Key Upcoming Dates

February 1, 2024: Pre-Auction Parent Night Out

February 2, 2024: Silent Auction

February 9, 2024: Math Night


City of MV: Lunar New Year 

MV Public Library: Parenting Program 

February Lunch Menu

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