October 30, 2024 - English

Principal’s Message 

Dear Bubb Families,

We appreciate your partnership during our Parent Conferences last week.  Our communication with you makes an impact on home-school connection, and shows our students they have a team behind them. It is our goal, as report cards head home next month, that you will see evidence of collaboration with yourself, the teacher, and your student.  

Thank you again to our PTA for a fantastic Monster Mash! It was a fun time! Tomorrow will be another opportunity for us to come together as a community.  Please join us at the optional costume parade from 8:15-8:45 am.  Our parade route will start at the library gates and end at the Kinder gates.  I also look forward to meeting with families and the community about the greening initiative.  We will be meeting tonight at 6:00 pm and again Friday morning at 8:15am in the Staff Lounge.  In addition, we have our PTA sponsored Ofrenda event in the MUR from 12:00-2:00pm this Saturday. 

We are launching our attendance plan for the second trimester (Monday 11/04/24).  The plan is multi-faceted, and will encourage our students with great attendance to keep up the great work and recognize class efforts.  Attendance matters and more importantly, when our Bubb Cubs are away, we miss them!

Finally, Friday, 11/01 is a minimum day for the end of trimester.  And, remember to change your clock back one hour on Sunday as we end daylight savings.  We welcome the change in season and cooler air!  

In Community,

Principal Jung

Important Dates 

10/28 - 11/8

Bubb Ofrenda


Bubb Greening Community Meeting - 6:00 pm - Staff Lounge


Bubb Costume Parade - 8:15 am - Front of school


Principal's Coffee -Greening initiative - 8:15 to 9:00am - Staff Lounge

11/1 - 11/30

Native American Heritage Month


End of Trimester 1 - Minimum Day Dismissal at 11:55 am


Dia de los Muertos Celebrations - MUR - 12:00 -2:00 pm


Bookmobile visits Bubb - 2:30 - 3:30


5th Grade Outdoor School Parent Meeting- 6:00 - MUR


Field Trip - 2nd Grade - De Anza Planetarium- 8:45am


Bubb PTA Silent Auction


Diwali Activities at lunch


Veterans’ Day - NO SCHOOL


Walk and Roll to School Day


Safe Moves School Assembly


Report Cards sent home electronically

11/18 - 11/22

United Against Hate Week


Field Trip - 4th Grade - Hidden Villa- 8:15am

11/25 - 11/29

Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL

12/2 - 12/6

Book Fair - MUR

12/23 - 1/3

December Break- NO SCHOOL


Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL


Students return to school

1/7 - 1/10

5th Grade Outdoor School - WALDEN WEST

School News 

Costume Parade Logistics

We will have our optional costume parade at 8:15am (weather permitting).  All students may wear a costume if they would like.  Students who would like to participate may come to school dressed in their costume that morning.   The students will parade in front of the school on the sidewalk, from the library gate towards the kindergarten gate. If you would like to watch the parade, stand on the grass in front of the school or in the car circle which will be blocked off starting at 8:00 am. Please leave the sidewalk path clear for the  students.  Students that are opting out will come to the office for an alternate activity.

Welcome to Ms. Liz!

It is my pleasure to introduce Ms. Liz our ARIS (at-risk-intervention specialist). We will share her with Landels. She will be at Bubb on Mondays, Wednesdays, and alternate Thursdays.  Please read her message:

Hello everyone, my name is Lizet Barajas or many students might know me as Ms. Liz. I am extremely excited to be part of the Benjamin Bubb team! I am the At-Risk-Intervention Supervisor (ARIS). My role is to support individuals with any challenges,navigate these difficulties and intervene to prevent further escalation. I strive to be a support system to uplift individuals to overcome any personal, social or academic challenges to achieve their full potential. I am committed to make a positive difference in the lives of all individuals by providing compassionate and effective support.

Message from Counselor Kiera

For the month of November our SEL Lesson focus is on empathy. Empathy promotes the development and maintenance of positive relationships. This is in line with this month’s Better Together Theme: Our Community is Diverse. Empathy involves not just understanding how someone else feels but also appreciating the diverse perspectives that shape those feelings. By recognizing and valuing our differences, we can foster a more inclusive and supportive community. Throughout this month, we will engage in activities that encourage us to step into each other’s shoes, explore different viewpoints, and use clues to better understand the emotions of our peers. 

Community Input for Bubb’s Greening Initiative 

Please share with your neighbors the first community meeting is happening tonight at 6:00pm. Tonight’s meeting is open to everyone. We will host 3 in total with the community.  And please note, our first meeting with just Bubb families will be this Friday at 8:15am.

Mountain View’s Bookmobile comes to Bubb - November 6!

Mountain View Public Library’s bookmobile will visit Bubb on Wednesday, November 6, at 2:30 on the black top by the Peace Tree.  The new bookmobile operates fully on electricity and will be recognizable with the eye-catching City colors and library logos. Come check it out!



Bubb Diwali Celebration

We welcome any parents that want to volunteer and be part of celebrating Diwali during lunch recess on Friday, November 8th”  they can contact Sraddha Shukla via Konstella.

Short-Term Independent Studies

If you are planning on scheduling family vacations, please make every effort to schedule around our instructional calendar. You can also find minimum days outside our regularly scheduled early release Thursdays for scheduling appointments for your scholar.  If your plans include your child missing 3-15 days of school, please notify the front office to discuss a short-term independent studies contract to minimize the impact of missed school days.

Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found rack is getting full!   Check to see if you can find your student’s sweater, jacket or water bottle. It is located on the main hallway, near Room 13. All parents are encouraged to label their child’s clothing with the student’s initials and room number. All unclaimed items are donated to charity at the end of the trimester, on November 1st, 2024.


Looking for a Drone Camera

If you have a drone camera we could use for a school photo the week of November 18, please contact Principal Jung:  [email protected]

District News 

Drafts available: Single Plans for Student Achievement

Each year, our schools create Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs or “site plans”) that guide the work for the coming year. These plans help us prioritize programs and strategies that will best serve our students. In the fall, elected parent representatives from School Site Councils and English Language Advisory Committees work with principals and school staff members to create a draft that is reviewed and approved by the MVWSD Board of Trustees. Parents and staff members may give feedback through Nov. 15 to their principal and elected parent representatives to SSC and ELAC. You may review the draft plans here.


Parenting Tweens & Teens in the Digital Era - Supporting Dialogue and Strategies for Building Healthy Tech Habits 

Date and Time: November 19, 5:30-7:00 p.m.     

Registration: mvw.sd/pu111924r

My Digital TAT2 returns to Parent University with updated topics! This workshop will empower parents with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of raising tech-savvy, digitally responsible children. We will address common tech issues such as texting dilemmas, online friendship drama, and the “Sephora Kids” phenomenon. You’ll also learn a helpful strategy called The Digital Loop that can help you and your family build awareness around each person’s tech use. 

To submit questions prior to the event, go to mvw.sd/questions. We will do our best to address your questions during the session.


Members needed: MVWSD Child Nutrition Focus Group

MVWSD's Child Nutrition Services Department is seeking parents and staff members to join a series of thoughtful discussions about food nutrition and delivery throughout our school district. This volunteer commitment is expected to be approximately 15 hours throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Please enter your information here to express your interest. Questions may be directed to Food Service Director Debbie Austin at [email protected]


Better Together: November & December

As we enter the vibrant months of November and December, our school community embarks on a meaningful journey exploring the rich tapestry of cultures that make our community unique and special. During these months, we focus on three important themes that help us understand and celebrate our differences while building stronger connections with each other: Celebrating diverse communities while acknowledging Native American Heritage Month and Special Education Awareness Month. Through these themes, we'll discover that our differences aren't just something to accept – they're something to celebrate. Together, we'll learn how understanding and appreciating each other's unique qualities makes our entire community better. For more information about Better Together, visit mvwsd.org/BetterTogetherMVWSD.


The MVEF Textathon and Phonathon are just around the corner! Help us skip the call or text by donating today.

In early November and December, MVEF volunteers will be reaching out to MVWSD families who haven't yet donated, to remind them how crucial their contributions are. Each year, these donations help sustain essential programs for all MVWSD students, such as art, music, and environmental science in elementary schools, and smaller class sizes, sports coaches, referees, transportation to games, and extracurricular activities in middle schools.

Around 80% of MVEF's funding comes from generous families like yours. Every donation, no matter the amount, helps enrich education for every student. Make a difference today by visiting mvef.org/donate. Remember donations are tax-deductible! Thank you for your ongoing support of MVEF!

Community Partners 

City of MV: Día de Muertos 

Join the City of Mountain View to celebrate Día de Muertos at Civic Center Plaza on November 2 from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The public is invited to the celebration of memories and a ritual that “encourages remembering over forgetting.”  Learn about these festivities and delight with the ofrendas and altars decorated with Cempasúchitl flowers, or marigolds, papel picado, sugar skulls, and a myriad of colors created and inspired by community members. The event will feature live performances and children’s activities. Learn more at MountainView.gov/Dia-de-Muertos.

Mentor Tutor Connection Volunteer Info Session

Mentor Tutor Connection is actively recruiting volunteers for our mentoring (high school students) and tutoring (K-8 students) programs located in Los Altos and Mountain View public schools. We will be hosting a Volunteer Information Session on November 13th at 12pm, over Zoom. This is a great opportunity to learn more about our programs and ask any questions. Help shape a brighter future for students in our local community! 

To register for the Volunteer Information Session or to learn more about MTC, please email [email protected] or click here.

Learning Challenges events for Fall 2024

For local coverage of issues related to learning challenges and special education, please check out the Learning Challenges Committee http://learningchallenges.lamvptac.org/

For broader coverage, look into the Northwest SCC SELPA CAC


Who’s Who is Serving Our Little Ones? - Planning and Strategies for Children 3-5

From Department of Developmental Services and Palo Alto CAC

November 14, 6-7 pm on Zoom. Register: http://bit.ly/DDSTraining2

Evening Let’s Talk Parent Support group

November 19, 7 pm  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtfu2hrj0pG9zqGFeTzEnqs1U7cVxTcfl-

Learning Challenges Committee Meeting

December 3, 7:30 pm on Zoom

The LCC is working on providing a support group for parents, and planning to create a wish list for teachers throughout Mountain View and Los Altos for classroom supplies to support sensory needs. Would you like to help? Other ideas to support students and families with learning challenges? Join us here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUld-usrj8tEtNskynSpmorDiYZNt9_KAgq

Morning Let’s Talk Parent Support group

December 19, 10 am  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrduupqD0vEtSpweFX71KvNAcKW8Csy4D3

Missed past Parent Education events?

We have a YouTube channel with many of our past events including the recent talk on Assistive Technology, info on summer camps and recreational activities, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Learning Challenges, SMART Goals and IEP Troubleshooting, and more. Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuy7IcVz-4LTDxv2Jaq13nw

MVHS Spartan Turkey Trot 

MVHS Sports Boosters is proud to host the 15th Annual Spartan Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning (Thursday, November 28, 2024) at the Mountain View High School Track (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, CA). People of all ages are encouraged to participate in the 5k Run & Walk and the Spartan Mile (1-mile). Kids are welcome to participate in the 5k and/or Spartan Mile + the 60/400 yd dash races (aka kids races). All proceeds benefit the MVHS athletics department and supporting teams/clubs. Register at https://www.spartanturkeytrot.com/.

PTA News 

Walk (and roll): November 14

Walk (and roll) to school to recognize the courage of Ruby Bridges. Learn more about Ruby Bridges day and have your student join us next Thursday morning at one of the gates or under the Peace Tree to get your raffle ticket for walking (and rolling) to school.

We are also looking for volunteers to help pass out raffle tickets. Join the "Walk and Roll Events Committee" on Konstella to volunteer for events, or reach out to [email protected]

FINAL WEEK: Host a Silent Auction Party! an easy way for YOU to create fun in our Bubb community!

Party submissions are DUE November 1 for our 2024 Silent Auction and we are excited about how much fun our kids, families, and grownups are going to have. Most importantly, the money raised will help us solidify funding for what we have planned for the 2024-25 school year.

Submit your party info here: Party Intake Form and mark your calendar for Nov 8 when the auction kicks off and you can buy spots for parties and goods that have been donated!

Contact Christina ([email protected]) or Rebekah ([email protected]) if you have any questions!

Bubb Ofrenda 

Join us for a heartwarming celebration of life at our Bubb Ofrenda on Saturday, November 2nd, from 12-2 PM.

Honor your loved ones by sharing a photo and a non-perishable food item. Drop off your contributions at the front office by Friday. Let's come together to create a beautiful and meaningful tribute.


Parenting Tweens & Teens in the Digital Era - Supporting Dialogue and Strategies for Building Healthy Tech Habits 

City of MV: Día de Muertos 

Mentor Tutor Connection Volunteer Info Session 

MVHS Spartan Turkey Trot 

2024-2025 School Calendar

October Lunch menu 

November Lunch menu

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