October 16, 2024

Principal’s Message 


Dear Bubb Families,

In spirit of October’s Safety Month, I would like to re-visit our parking loop flow for safety.  Let’s all slow down and watch for pedestrians and bikers each morning and afternoon.  Please do not get out of your car for any reason at the car circle during drop off or pick up to avoid traffic on Hans Avenue.  We have students that need extra time loading and unloading, and we also have carpools for some of our Cubs.  Please be patient and do not pass.  


And again, the white curb on Barbara Avenue near the staff parking lot is a Drop Off Zone.  Please do not park in the designated drop off area. Most importantly, the Barbara Avenue parking lot is for Staff only.  Do not drop off students in that parking lot. As cars are leaving, they need to back out and it has become dangerous.  Let’s keep our Bubb Cubs safe.  


As a reminder, we will also have our Earthquake Drill tomorrow from 9:15-10:30 am, and the office will be closed at this time.  There will be no people admitted on or off campus.  We appreciate the support and ask for your understanding. 


And I am looking forward to next week’s Parent Teacher Conferences! Teachers have reached out to all families for the sign up process, please connect with the teacher if you have issues. We have carefully allotted time for each family, and if you should need more time to discuss with your teacher, please set up an additional meeting so we can keep up with the schedule.   iReady Diagnostic will not be administered before our time together, but teachers will be presenting other data pieces with you.  And finally, remember the week of October 21st - 25th will be minimum day (dismissal at 11:55).


In Community,

Principal Jung

Important Dates 


Bookmobile visits Bubb - 2:30 to 3:30


Earthquake Drill - 9:15 am to 10:30 am


Principal's Coffee - 8:15 to 9:15am - Staff Lounge

10/21 - 10/25

Parent Teacher Conference Week - Minimum Day all week

10/23 - 10/24

Hearing and Vision Screening Grades K, 2, and 5


Bubb PTA Monster MASH - MUR - 6:30 to 8:00pm

10/28 - 11/8

Bubb Ofrenda


Morning Meeting Grade 3-5 - 8:15am - Front of Bubb


Bubb Greening Community Meeting - 6:00 pm - Staff Lounge


Bubb Costume Parade - 8:15 am - Front of school


Principal's Coffee - 8:15 to 9:00am - Staff Lounge


End of Trimester 1 - Minimum Day Dismissal at 11:55 am


Dia de los Muertos Celebrations - MUR - 12:00 -2:00 pm


5th Grade Outdoor School Parent Meeting- 6:00 - MUR


Bubb PTA Silent Auction


Veterans’ Day - NO SCHOOL


Safe Moves School Assembly

11/18 - 11/22

United Against Hate Week

11/25 - 11/29

Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL

12/2 - 12/6

Book Fair - MUR

School News 

Costume Parade

Typically in the past, Bubb celebrated “Halloween Parade”, however not all families participate in Halloween.  So, on Thursday, October 31,  we will have our optional costume parade at 8:30am (weather permitting).  All students may wear a costume if they would like.  Students who would like to participate may come to school dressed in their costume that morning.  Your child’s teacher will let you know if they would like students to change out of their costumes after the parade.  The students will parade in front of the school on the sidewalk, from the library gate towards the kindergarten gate

If you would like to watch the parade, stand on the grass in front of the school or in the car circle which will be blocked off starting at 8:00 am. Please leave the sidewalk path clear for the  students.  Whether you are staying to watch the parade or going about your normal day, parents must follow the same daily procedure and leave campus when the first bell rings in the morning.

Some costume expectations: 

**Attire must be school appropriate

**No weapons or anything resembling a weapon can be brought to school 

**No masks that cover your entire face

Cell Phone and Smart Watch Reminders

Please remind your student the guidelines for personal devices as outlined in our Handbook

Student cell phones and/or Smart Watches must be turned off and kept in backpacks during the school day.  Students who use their devices during school hours will be given a warning the first time. The second time, parents will be notified and the device will be taken away and returned after school. The third time the device will be confiscated and will be held in the office for parents to pick up.

If your student needs to communicate home, they may come to the office to use the phone.  If parents need to communicate with their student, they may call the office and we will get the message to your student.

Mandatory Vision and Hearing Screening for K,2, and 5

It is that time of year again to do the state mandated hearing and vision screenings. On Wednesday October 23rd, and Thursday, October 24th the District nurses will be administering BOTH hearing and vision screenings at Bubb Elementary for all Kinder, 2nd, and 5th grade students.  If there is a concern, the nurses will send home a letter to families. 



All students taking medication at school must submit a “Medication Authorization Form” signed by the student’s doctor.  Forms are available by contacting office staff.  Without authorization, office staff cannot administer any medication, including Tylenol, Advil, allergy medicines, cough drops, or asthma inhalers.  Students are never allowed to have any medication on their person or in their backpack at school.  All medicines and Medication Authorization Forms are kept in the office and brought by the teacher in charge for off-campus field trips.

Día de los Muertos

To close our Hispanic Heritage Month, we will have a school wide Ofrenda in collaboration with our PTA.  Please find the slide deck with the mini-lessons teachers may choose to teach and dates with school side events here.  

District News 

The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 6 p.m.

Some of the topics include:

  • Shoreline Update

  • Reading Difficulty Risk Screener Selection Process

  • Budget Advisory Committee Update

  • Vendor Approval Process

  • Board policy: Dress Code

For meeting details and agenda, please click here: https://www.mvwsd.org/trustees.



MVWSD seeking District Equity Advisory Committee members

MVWSD is continuing our work by engaging meaningfully with the community on issues of equity through the District Equity Advisory Committee (DEAC). The goal of the DEAC is to provide feedback to the Superintendent on how to support MVWSD towards achieving its goals of becoming a more equitable and inclusive school district.


We are seeking a combination of district-level leaders, principals, teachers, staff members, and parent participants who represent the interests of both elementary and middle schools. Committee members will be expected to attend and participate virtually in meetings held once monthly (on average) online during the 2024-25 school year in the evening hours. 


If you’re interested in participating, please click here to apply.


Your donations of any amount help MVEF enrich education for every MVWSD student!

Love seeing your kids enjoy art, music, and hands-on science in elementary schools, and smaller English classes, athletics, clubs, and other activities in middle schools? MVWSD has one of the most socio-economically diverse student bodies in the Bay Area, and donations to MVEF ensure all students benefit from these essential programs, regardless of financial status.

With the MVEF Textathon & Phonathon season approaching, donate today to save a text and call! Every contribution makes a difference. Learn more about how you can support MVEF or make your tax-deductible donation here.


Crittenden Mattress Fundraiser on Oct. 20 

The Crittenden Music Department will be hosting a Mattress Fundraiser on Sunday, Oct. 20 from 10 am - 5 pm. This fundraiser will help with the music department's general fund. This is one of our biggest events of the year and we need your help! The MUR is turned into a mattress showcase room where customers can try out the beds. There are brand names at this event as well as special models of beds that can't be found in regular stores. Thanks for your support.



Free COVID tests available to order

US residential households are now eligible to order four free at-home COVID tests from the US Postal Service COVID test order page. Prepare for respiratory virus season and learn how and when to test for COVID-19. Some of the tests shipped may show expired dates on the box—please note the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has extended the expiration dates of the tests being distributed through this program. You can find the full list of extended test expiration dates at the FDA At-Home OTC COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests web page.

PTA News 

PTA General Meeting on Tuesday October 22nd , 6 - 7:30pm in the MUR

Please join the PTA for our second general meeting of the school year.

Pizza will be served. Parents and kids welcome.

We are continuing our efforts to go paper free at our meetings and will post agenda and other content here: October 22 General Meeting Content.

Anyone in the Bubb community is welcome to attend, but by being a PTA member in good standing for 30+ days prior to the meeting you will be eligible to vote.

Not a PTA member? Join here.

Monster Mash 

Come in your costumes and dance the night away in the MUR on October 25, from 6:30-8:00pm.

We need a few volunteers to help make the event a success. Please consider signing up here

Bubb PTA Silent Auction is coming - an easy way for YOU to create fun in our Bubb community!

Party submissions are rolling in for our 2024 Silent Auction and we are excited about how much fun our kids, families, and grownups are going to have. Most importantly, the money raised will help us solidify funding for what we have planned for the 2024-25 school year.

Just take a look at the Party Intake Form to get familiar with what details are needed as you craft your gathering and support our school fun.

Contact Christina ([email protected]) or Rebekah ([email protected]) if you have any questions!

Community Partners

MVLA Speaker Series: Never Enough with Jennifer Wallace

Join the next MVLA Speaker Series presentation, “Never Enough: Mattering as a Solution to Toxic Achievement Pressure,” with author Jennifer Wallace on Wednesday, October 30th at 7PM at the Crittenden Middle School Auditorium. In this eye-opening talk, Wallace investigates the deep roots of toxic achievement culture, explores its harmful impact on our kids, and delivers the powerful solution: mattering, the psychological concept of feeling like you add value and are valued regardless of your external achievements. Wallace provides a practical mattering framework that parents and educators can use to tackle achievement pressure at home and in the classroom. Register for this free event here.

Learning Challenges events for Fall 2024

For local coverage of issues related to learning challenges and special education, please check out the Learning Challenges Committee http://learningchallenges.lamvptac.org/

For broader coverage, look into the Northwest SCC SELPA CAC

Northwest Santa Clara County CAC meeting

October 29, 9 am

Register: https://sccoe.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpfuipqTwiGd2j1kNEBuVtKlTXV4IJn1TB


Morning Let’s Talk Parent Support group

October 30, 9 am  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqcu-vrDsiHdW_I5OTIYOiHcpy1tEmzuta

Who’s Who is Serving Our Little Ones? - Planning and Strategies for Children 3-5

From Department of Developmental Services and Palo Alto CAC

November 14, 6-7 pm on Zoom. Register: http://bit.ly/DDSTraining2

Evening Let’s Talk Parent Support group

November 19, 7 pm  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtfu2hrj0pG9zqGFeTzEnqs1U7cVxTcfl-

Learning Challenges Committee Meeting

December 3, 7:30 pm on Zoom

The LCC is working on providing a support group for parents, and planning to create a wish list for teachers throughout Mountain View and Los Altos for classroom supplies to support sensory needs. Would you like to help? Other ideas to support students and families with learning challenges? Join us here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUld-usrj8tEtNskynSpmorDiYZNt9_KAgq

Morning Let’s Talk Parent Support group

December 19, 10 am  on Zoom.

IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrduupqD0vEtSpweFX71KvNAcKW8Csy4D3

Missed past Parent Education events?

We have a YouTube channel with many of our past events including the recent talk on Assistive Technology, info summer camps and recreational activities, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Learning Challenges, SMART Goals and IEP Troubleshooting, and more. Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuy7IcVz-4LTDxv2Jaq13nw

Volunteer with Mentor Tutor Connection 

Mentor Tutor Connection is actively recruiting volunteers for our mentoring (high school students) and tutoring (K-8 students) programs located in Los Altos and Mountain View public schools. To learn more about Mentor Tutor connection, please email [email protected] or visit mentortutorconnection.org.

The View Teen Center: October 

The View Teen Center is a free facility in Mountain View (263 Escuela Ave) for all Mountain View and Los Altos 6th - 12th grade students. Drop-in hours are Monday - Friday, 3:15 - 7 p.m. and Saturdays, 1 - 6 p.m. (Adjusted Hours: Oct. 10-11 & Oct. 21-25, 1-6 p.m.), and the center features a game room, makerspace, kitchen, computer/study room, and outdoor area. October events include Halloween-themed activities, art classes, a Bike to Boba, and much more. For more information, click here.


Crittenden Mattress Fundraiser on Oct. 20 

Volunteer with Mentor Tutor Connection 

The View Teen Center: October 

YMCA Hiring for MVWSD Afterschool Program 

2024-2025 School Calendar

October Lunch menu 

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