September 11, 2024 - English

Principal’s Message 

Dear Bubb Families,

This morning, we took a moment to remember 9/11.  It is a very small act to commemorate a tragic day in history.  It was a day of reflection, grief, and sadness.  We hope our students take away from today that actions have impact and we need to hold the value of life high.  

In remembrance of 9/11, I will keep my message brief to befit this solemn day. 

Thank you,

Principal Jung 

Important Dates 


School Site Council - 4:00pm Link


Hispanic Heritage Month


PTA Fundraiser @ State of Mind Pizza - 101 Plaza North, Los Altos - 4pm to 9pm


Fall Picture Day -new date

9/23 - 9/27

Walk and Roll to School Week


Bookmobile visits Bubb - 2:30 - 3:30




Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL


Recess Day- NO SCHOOL


Principal's Coffee - 8:15 to 9:00am - Staff Lounge

10/21 - 10/25

Parent Teacher Conference Week - Minimum Day all week


End of Trimester 1 - Minimum Day Dismissal at 11:55 am

School News 

From the Library: Record a question for the author!

We are having the best-selling author of the Spy School series, Stuart Gibbs, speak to our students virtually next week as part of our subscription to BookBreak.  Your child can submit a question for the author talk which may be shown to hundreds of schools on the nationwide livestream!

How to submit a video:

  • The videos can be recorded on a smartphone. There is no need for any special equipment.

  • Take the videos in landscape orientation (i.e. hold your phone sideways) 

  • Be aware of what is in the background. A blank wall or door is best. 

  • There cannot be any background noise.

  • Be sure that we can see your child’s whole face straight on in good lighting.

  • Students should state their first name, school name, and state. (Example: Hi, I'm Eva from Washington Elementary in California. I was wondering...)

  • Only record one question per video, no more than 20 seconds long

Submit your question here by Friday, September 13. BookBreak will let us know if one of our students has been chosen. For more information, please see this flyer.


Our Walkathon is drawing near, it’s on Friday September 27th right after school.  Our PTA has a goal of $55,000.  There’s more information on our PTA Website. Here is a short video on how to set up your Walkathon Account.

School Site Council Vote

Congratulations to Dr. Diana Nebee and teacher Tamara Evans.  We look forward to working with you this year in building our school site decisions. Our first meeting will be on Thursday September 12, 2024 at 4:00pm.

Meeting Link



Picture Day

Say Cheese!  Picture day is coming to Bubb Wednesday, September 18.  Order flyers were sent home with your student last Friday.




Reporting absences

To report an absence, call the office at (650) 526-3480 and press 2, or email [email protected].  Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, room number, reason for absence, and name and relationship of the person reporting the absence. It is very important, for safety reasons, that we know the reason why a student is not present at school. 

Early Pick Up  

If your child must leave early, an adult must come to the office and sign the student out. For security reasons, no one is allowed to go to the classroom to pick up students. The office will call the classroom to have the child come up to the office.  Students are released only to persons on the emergency card, unless we have a written note or a phone call from a parent whom we can identify. Kindergarten parents must notify the teacher if there is a change in the pickup person.

District News 

Parent University: The Science of Reading, Part 2

Date and Time: September 24, 2024, 5:30-7:00pm  Registration Link:

In this second part of a two-part series, we will briefly recap part one and continue to learn more about the Science of Reading, particularly the importance of background knowledge and vocabulary for reading comprehension. We will discuss what that means for your child at school, and how you can support them at home. If you missed part one (in which we discussed phonics and word reading), you can watch or listen to the recording at

About the speaker: Dr. Cyndee Nguyen is MVWSD’s Director of Early Literacy. She leads district efforts to ensure that all students, especially those of early elementary age, develop into capable and confident readers. Previously, Dr. Nguyen was a teacher and the principal of Bubb Elementary School.

To submit questions prior to the event, go to We will do our best to address your question during the session. Can’t make it this time? No problem - we always post the recordings a few days later at



Join us on our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) journey

We are seeking applicants to join the MVWSD 2024-2025 SEL Curriculum Adoption Committee, where our focus will be Social Emotional Learning curriculum adoption.  If you are interested in being a part of this moment in our SEL journey, please complete this application by September 20, 2024. 


The SEL Curriculum Adoption Committee is seeking  participants from all members of our District community, however it must be primarily composed of MVWSD teachers. We will meet up to 11 times this school year between October and April, including 3 Saturdays.  The objective of this committee is to examine stakeholder input, SEL curriculum options, engage in a curriculum pilot, and make recommendation(s) to the Board of Trustees for adoption.  Applying neither commits you, nor guarantees a seat on the committee.  Following your application, you will be provided with next steps. Apply here:

Join the MVWSD Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)

Are you passionate about education and financial transparency? Do you want to help the district allocate its resources to ensure the biggest benefit for students? The Mountain View Whisman School District announces the formation of its new Budget Advisory Committee, and we need YOU!

About the BAC: The Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) is an essential advisory group that collaborates with the District to review, analyze, and make recommendations about the budget to the Superintendent. The goal is to ensure that the district’s financial decisions align with the strategic plan and meet the needs of our diverse students, staff, and community.

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Review and Analyze: Examine the district’s budget, revenue sources, and expenditures to understand financial trends and projections.

  • Provide Input: Offer feedback and recommendations on budget priorities, cost-saving measures that minimize the impact on student learning and staff welfare, and revenue enhancement opportunities.

  • Engage: Serve as a liaison between the district and the broader community, sharing information and gathering input from stakeholders.

  • Collaborate: Work with other committee members to develop practices that support the district’s educational goals.

Member Makeup: We are seeking a diverse group of members to ensure comprehensive representation across our district, including parents and community members

  • Meetings: The BAC will meet quarterly, with additional meetings as needed during the budget season.

  • Outside of meetings: Members may be asked to review data and documents, or participate in community engagement outside of regular BAC meetings

  • Participation: We ask that members commit to attending at least 75% of meetings and actively participate in discussions and subcommittees.

How to Apply: Complete the online application here by September 23, 2024. 



Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: There is Help. There is Hope.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is available to provide help and hope.  This lifeline is for any need: Call or Text 988 or online at


Suicide impacts millions of people across the U.S., touching every community. As parents, caregivers, educators, and neighbors, we all have a role to play in preventing suicide. During Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (#SPM24), it’s vital to learn how to support those around us and recognize the signs of someone in crisis. 


By coming together, we can create a stronger, more compassionate community where individuals feel seen, heard, and supported. Learning the warning signs and risk factors of suicide is key to offering hope to those struggling. By listening, sharing resources, and talking openly about mental health, we can save lives.


Let’s work together to offer support, prevent tragedy, and build a future where everyone feels valued. #SuicidePreventionMonth


If you or someone you know is in crisis, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is available to provide help and hope.  This lifeline is for any need: Call or Text 988 or online at


Better Together: September

A classroom is more than just four walls and desks - it's a vibrant community where students learn, grow, and support each other. #BetterTogether in September highlights how each student contributes their unique talents and perspectives to create a rich learning environment. September 15th also marks the beginning of Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month. Look out for some additional content mid-month. For more information about Better Together, visit


Ask your student about their MVEF-funded classes

A few of your student’s favorite teachers and classes are probably funded by MVEF. 


  • An extra ELA teacher at each middle school means more manageable class sizes. 

  • Art & Music teachers from CSMA and plant science instruction from Living Classroom will begin enriching the experiences of elementary students this month.


The generosity of MVEF donors makes these things possible. To become an MVEF donor or renew your gift for the current school year, click here


Community Partners

MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series: Peggy Orenstein

Let’s Talk About Sex: How a New Generation Navigates Hookups, Porn, Love & Consent

Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 7PM, Los Altos High School - Eagle Theater

In this talk, Orenstein combines her research with voices of both boys and girls (as well as those between or beyond genders), to discuss the impact on high school and college students’ sexual scripts of mainstream media, social media and porn; hookup culture; changing expectations around consent; the politics of sexual pleasure; the diversity of sexual orientations; gendered power dynamics. With humor and compassion, she separates myth from reality, ultimately giving parents, educators and young people the conversational tools they need to ensure safe, pleasurable, mutually satisfying sexual encounters and intimate relationships. Register for this free event here

Ravenswood Mayview Flu Vaccine Clinics 

Free Community Flu Vaccine Clinics are happening from October 5th through December 7th (schedule is below). You do not have to be a patient of Ravenswood Family Health Network to get your flu shot. Any child ages 3 years and older can receive a flu vaccine at any one of our clinics. See attached flyers or visit for more information.

  • 1885 Bay Road, East Palo Alto:

    • Wednesdays: 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM (Drive-Through)

    • Saturdays: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM (Walk-in)

  • MayView Community Health Centers:

    • Palo Alto Location:

      • Tuesdays: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (By appointment only)

    • Mountain View Location:

      • Fridays: 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM (By appointment only)

    • Sunnyvale Location:

      • Wednesdays: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (By appointment only)

PTA News 

Save the Date: Pizza Fundraiser at State of Mind - Monday, Sept. 16th!

Join fellow Bubb families for a night off from cooking and raise money for Bubb! 15% of all orders 4-9pm will be given back to Bubb School - both dine in and take out.

Project Cornerstone in 2024-25

The Project Cornerstone team has been working hard to recruit parent volunteers to be readers for the program at Bubb. We still need readers for Room 9, Room 13, Room 17, and our SAI rooms. Being a Cornerstone reader is a fantastic way to connect with all the students in your child's room in a meaningful way. Please reach out to us at [email protected] to find out how YOU can be a reader and caring adult for this impactful program, or sign up here.

YMCA Project Cornerstone is a community initiative with the mission to create an environment where adults support and value all youth so they grow up feeling valued, respected, and known. It is a well established SEL program at Bubb, and is run entirely by parent volunteers with the support of our teachers and admin. We want EVERY ROOM at Bubb to have access to these lessons. Please reach out today to help.

Join Konstella!

Konstella is our PTA tool to share information with our Bubb community, including upcoming social events, classroom updates (such as Project Cornerstone), event volunteering opportunities, and fundraising opportunities. It is free to join and provides access to classroom volunteer opportunities and other PTA events.

Click here then click "Find Your School" at the top and enter "Bubb Elementary" to setup your account.

Then, add yourself to your child’s classroom on Konstella: This is the best way to stay in the loop with all the families in your child’s class and the school.

Web: Click your name at the top left corner. Click "Your Children" to add/modify your children. You can select their new classroom and they will be "moved" over.

Mobile App: Click the Settings icon at the top left corner. Click "Your Children" and move them to their new room.

Volunteer at Bubb – Make a Difference!

Join us in supporting our kids, teachers, and staff by volunteering at Bubb! It’s a great way to share your talents, get to know other families, and help create a thriving community where our children can flourish.

We are currently seeking various Schoolwide Volunteer Roles & Committee Members. Check them out here. Every bit of help makes a big impact. Let's work together to make Bubb the best it can be! Questions? Contact Rebekah Laffoon at [email protected].

Join the PTA!

Help make the 2024-25 school year awesome!

Your PTA membership helps fund and guide us throughout, including:

  • Classroom/science lab supplies

  • Field Trips

  • Library Books

  • Assemblies

  • Family events such as Monster Mash, Bubb Talent Show and Outdoor Movie Night

  • Lunchtime enrichment activities

BONUS PRIZE FOR MEMBERS: Your very own Bubb car magnet!

$10 annual membership fee for one adult, and discounted fee of $6 for a second adult in your household!



The Bubb PTA Walkathon is happening September 27th after school.

We need everyone’s help to hit our goal of $55,000 - that's about $175/student. These donations will provide: funding classroom supplies, library books, teacher appreciation items, Project Cornerstone, school-wide activities, field trips, family events like movie night and MORE.

Ready to get started? Follow the simple instructions on this page to set up your Bubb Cub's fundraising site, and help your student with gathering donations leading up to the event. It’s that simple!

The fundraising will culminate with the Walkathon event happening on September 27th, after school - see you then!

Excited About the Walkathon? Make Sure To Sign A Waiver

Each student needs a waiver signed to participate in the Walkathon. Read + Sign English Version | Read + Sign Spanish Version Waivers are available online, in the office, or ask your teacher. If you completed a waiver during back to school night or already sent back with your student then no additional action required (and THANK YOU!).


Ravenswood Mayview Flu Vaccine Clinics 

2024-2025 School Calendar

September Lunch menu 

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