Dear Families,
Walkathon is this Friday! Please see my separate email sent yesterday for more information about this exciting event.
Please join me in celebrating Ms. LaMeica Phillips! She currently teaches the 4th/5th grade specialized academic instruction (SAI) class and recently earned her tenure in MVWSD.
School Safety
Did you notice the new 4-way stop sign on Barbara and Montalto? This much needed safety improvement was made possible by the advocacy and collaboration of our school community. This addition of the stop sign will help our Bubb cubs get to school safely, but there is still much more that we need to do as a school community to make sure students arrive and leave our campus safely.
The two most helpful things that we can do for morning arrival:
Leave plenty of time to get to school. Supervision starts at 7:50. I’ve noticed that the foot and car traffic is very light between 7:45-7:55 and then gets really busy 7:55-8:05. I’ve seen families who are running late run across the street instead of walking in the crosswalk, or cars driving quickly and unsafely around pedestrians and bicyclists to get into the car circle.
Only use the car circle if your child can independently make a quick exit. The extra time it takes to get a backpack out of the trunk, or to step out to unbuckle a child causes the car circle line to back up, increasing traffic on Hans, and therefore making it less safe for pedestrians and bicyclists.
The two most helpful things that we can do for afternoon dismissal:
If you’re picking up 4th and 5th graders, wait until after 2:40 to enter the car circle.
If the car circle is full, drive around and try again, or park and walk in. Again, blocking traffic on Hans creates a dangerous situation for pedestrians.
Have You Filled A Bucket Today?
One of the best ways we can support student mental health as a school community is by routinely modeling, teaching, and practicing kindness and empathy toward others.
For years, the book “Have You Filled A Bucket Today?” has been a valuable resource for teachers and families to help students develop an understanding of empathy, kindness, and interdependence. This year, MVWSD has purchased enough copies that ensure each classroom has access to their own copy and that each school has a version in Spanish.
As a parent, there are many ways to access mental health care for your child. If you have concerns about your child’s mental health that impacts their functioning at school, resources for support include your student’s teacher, our School Community Engagement Facilitator (SCEF) Mr. Rios, and myself. At any point you can access care through your pediatrician and/or health insurance. An additional resource for parents is Mental Health America (
Have a wonderful week! Can’t wait to see you all at the Walkathon!
In partnership,
Principal Cyndee
Bubb Walkathon
Fall Picture Make-up Day
Principal's coffee- 8:00 am in front of the school
Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
Recess Day- NO SCHOOL
5th Grade Science Camp - WALDEN WEST
College Day
End of Trimester 1 - Minimum Day Dismissal at 11:55 am
Veterans’ Day - NO SCHOOL
Picture Day Retakes
School pictures that were taken at the end of August went home with students today September 28.. Students took home either the set of pictures they ordered, or a proof set with instructions on how to order online.
Picture Retake day is coming on Wednesday, October 3, 2022. Students who were absent will have their pictures taken. If you want your student’s pictures retaken, simply return your original package with you on Picture Retake Day. Be sure to remind your student to let their teacher know that they are getting a re-take.
Water Bottles
The weather has been sunny and warm! Be sure to send your child to school with a water bottle daily, especially on days when students have PE. Write your child’s name on the bottle so it can be returned if misplaced. Students can refill their water bottles at the refill stations at the drinking fountains.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found rack is located on the main hallway near Room 13. Students and parents should check the rack frequently for lost articles of clothing and/or lunchboxes. All parents are encouraged to label their child’s clothing with the student’s initials and room number. All unclaimed items are donated to charity at the end of the trimester.
EZMealApp: Future benefits could include after school care!
Even though all public school meals are currently free in California, applying for free- or reduced-price lunch status by October 1 means potentially more district funding and other benefits for your family. In 2022-23, families who qualify will also be offered free after school childcare and summer programs when they become available. Go to now to see if you qualify for free- or reduced-price lunch status, and to apply!
Attendance Awareness Month: September
Are Vacations / Travel Excused?
Unfortunately, family vacations or travel is not excused – even when you inform your teacher or the office. This sometimes comes as a surprise for parents. We appreciate you letting us know so that you will not receive a call from the auto-dialer asking you to verify the absence. Research shows that school attendance is a strong indicator of success. It's about students learning what they need to know, belonging to the school community, and being part of the team that is preparing them with good habits for high school.
Upcoming October no-school days
Friday, October 14 is a recess day (no school for students and staff). Thursday, October 13 is a staff development day, which means no school for students and no work for 10-month classified staff. Oct 13 is a staff development/work day for teachers, school secretaries and 12-month classified staff.
MVEF has raised over $300k! Make your donation soon to achieve the goal of $1.2M
Thanks to the generosity of new donors, repeat donors, corporate matching, and grants, MVEF has already raised over 25% of this year’s $1.2M funding goal. Thank you to all who have donated so far! It’s a fast start on a big climb: MVWSD will begin planning for next year’s budget during the winter trimester. When MVEF is on pace to meet or exceed the funding goal early in the school year, it gives confidence that we can continue funding the current priorities and potentially add new priorities to next year’s budget.
To become an MVEF donor or renew your gift for the current school year, click here. A recurring monthly donation of $100 per month (made in September) will contribute $1000 towards the current year’s goal! Gifts of any amount are important to help us meet our goal. Each school site has a big green sign in the parking area – keep your eye out for the new goal markers that indicate our progress towards funding art, music, environmental science, athletics, clubs, and smaller class sizes now and in the future!
MVLA Speakers Series: Friendship in the Age of Loneliness: How to Make Friends As An Adult
Thursday, October 6, 2022 - 7:00 - 9:00pm | MVHS Spartan Theater ⧫ 3535 Truman Avenue
We are lonelier than ever. Two-thirds of Americans are lonely and the average person hasn't made a new friend in the last five years. In the wake of the pandemic, it’s more clear than ever that our friendships are vital to our health and happiness. But why can it feel so difficult to keep those bonds alive as an adult—especially as parents? Why do we spend only four percent of our time with friends? Join us as Adam Smiley Poswolsky, workplace belonging keynote speaker, and author of the recent book, Friendship in the Age of Loneliness, proposes a new solution for the mounting pressures of modern life: focus on your friendships. In this talk, Smiley will share practical habits and playful reminders on how to create meaningful connections, make new friends, be a Minister for Loneliness in your community, prioritize real-world experiences, and deepen your relationships at work and outside of work. With warmth and inspiration, Smiley reminds us that nurturing old and new friendships is a ritual, a necessity, and one of the most worthwhile things we can do in adult life.
Audience: Grade TK - 12 parents, caretakers, teachers, and counselors
Register here for this free event
County MedAssist Program
The MedAssist Program aims to improve health outcomes and medication adherence for select individuals who reside in Santa Clara County. Qualified patients will receive financial assistance in the form of a grant designed to off-set high out-of-pocket expenses for life-saving medications such as anti-diabetics, asthma inhalers, and/or epinephrine auto-injectors. For more information and application, visit
Walkathon is this Friday!!
Last chance to get pledges in - the final push for fundraising is on! Please help us reach our goal of $30,000 to help fund many of the programs our students love so much. All the info you need to help you student raise money can be found on the instructions on this page, and note there are small prizes for your students for hitting $100 or $300 in pledges! Make sure to share their goals with friends and family - also, all pledges can be doubled with a corporate match! Any questions contact Christina, [email protected].
ATTENTION PARENTS: Waiver and Walkathon CHECK-IN Required
Before your child can walk in the walkathon, a participation waiver must be signed by a parent or legal guardian and returned to the PTA. Waivers are available in the Bubb office and online: Waiver For the Walkathon
If you already turned in the waiver – thank you! Please go to your child’s classroom at dismissal to collect your student, who will have a participant bracelet, and then begin walking laps. Sign-out will take place in each class at dismissal on Friday, Sept 30th. Kinder students with a signed waiver on file will also receive their bracelet at dismissal and can return to Bubb to start walking from 2:35pm.
If you have not turned in the waiver: please pick up your child from class, and proceed to the Walkathon Registration table. A parent or legal guardian must sign the participation waiver at the Walkathon Registration table before a student can begin walking laps. Your student will then receive a participant bracelet and can begin walking laps. Kinder families can also plan to return to campus and check in at the Registration table to sign their waiver and pick up a bracelet from 2:35pm.
Classroom sign-out will end approximately 10 minutes after dismissal. If you arrive after this time, sign the waiver at the Walkathon Registration table and check-in your student as a walkathon participant. Please remember: each student who participates in walking laps must have a supervising adult present at all times during the Walkathon.
Done Walking? Please remember to CHECK-OUT at the Student Registration/Check-out Booth before you leave. Otherwise, your child’s laps will not be counted for prizes and awards! Winning classrooms and top lap walkers will be announced at a morning assembly after Walkathon, so we need lap totals right away. In addition, each registered Bubb student that checks out will receive a fun surprise! Questions? Contact Lisa Henry at [email protected]
MVLA Speakers Series: Friendship in the Age of Loneliness: How to Make Friends As An Adult
County MedAssist Program
September Lunch Menu