Dear Families,
Thank you to the families who attended today’s Principal Coffee. It was great to meet new and returning families. One of the items that we discussed is our overarching goals and work for this school year. Our theme for the year is “We rise by lifting others.” We approach our work with the values of equity, collective responsibility, and collaboration--it takes all of us working together for all of our students to succeed. One structural change that we have made this school year is the addition of WIN (What I Need) time to our school day. During WIN time, students across grades 1-2 and across grades 3-5 regroup and learn with new classmates and a new teacher. Some of our students receive English language instruction, some of our students receive additional phonics reading instruction, and other students are working on vocabulary and reading enrichment. Our instructional focus and groupings will change in the next trimester. WIN time is in addition to our existing RTI/STEAM time in which students meet in smaller groups with their homeroom teacher twice a week to work on additional skills and then meet with the STEAM teacher twice a week for science instruction. Our next Principal’s Coffee will be Thursday, October 6 @ 8am, in person at the car circle.
Our next School Site Council meeting is Monday, September 12 @ 4pm (Zoom link). We will be reviewing Bubb’s state and local assessment data and reviewing an initial draft of our School Site Plan. Anyone is welcome to attend; however, only members of our School Site Council may vote on action items.
Have a great week!
In partnership,
Principal Cyndee
ELAC meeting - 5pm ZOOM
Bubb School site Council - 4:00 to 5:00pm - ZOOM
Bubb School site Council - 4:00 to 5:00pm - ZOOM
5th grade Parent Meeting - 6- 7pm. MUR
Bubb Walkathon
Fall Picture Make-up Day
Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
Recess Day- NO SCHOOL
Water Bottles
The weather has been sunny and hot! Be sure to send your child to school with a water bottle daily, especially on days when students have PE. Write your child’s name on the bottle so it can be returned if misplaced. Students can refill their water bottles at the refill stations at the drinking fountains.
Reporting absences
To report an absence, call the office at (650) 526-3480 and press 2, or email [email protected]. Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, room number, reason for absence, and name and relationship of the person reporting the absence. It is very important, for safety reasons, that we know the reason why a student is not present at school.
Board meeting: Sept. 8
The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Sept. 8 at 5 p.m.
Some of the meeting topics include:
* Public hearing for instructional materials
* Expanded Learning Opportunities Program update
* Budget: Unaudited Actuals
* Strategic Plan 2027 update
For meeting details and agenda, please click here:
Superintendent's Community Check In on Friday, Sept. 9
Please join us for our Community Check-In with Dr. Ayindé Rudolph on Friday, Sept. 9 at 3:30 p.m. Bring your questions. Spanish interpretation will be provided. Click here to register:
Members needed for the new Safety Advisory Task Force
MVWSD is seeking parents (both middle and elementary school), staff (certificated and classified) and community members as representatives for its new Safety Advisory Task Force. The district is undertaking a holistic review of safety this year. The Safety Advisory Task Force will contribute considerations for areas of improvement and work with a security consultant on a safety audit. To apply by Sept. 8, please click here. To learn more about MVWSD’s safety goals, click here for the presentation to the Board of Trustees.
MVWSD Seeks Parents & Staff Members for Health and Wellness Committee
MVWSD is seeking parents and staff to lend their perspective and expertise to benefit students by serving on the Health and Wellness Committee.
The Health and Wellness Committee aligns District efforts to support student wellness through health education, physical education and activity, health services, nutrition services, psychological and counseling services, and a safe and healthy school environment.
Interested applicants should have experience, knowledge, or interest in the topics described above. In addition to last year’s members, we are seeking at least 1 parent and 1 certificated staff member per school and 3 representatives from community-based organizations. The committee may include up to 30 participants.
The time commitment is approximately four meetings during the school year, beginning in October. Meetings will take place on Zoom.
Applications are due by Friday, September 16, and may be found at this link: Please direct any questions to Brian White, Coordinator for Health and Wellness.
Now hiring: Interpreters and Translators
Are you bilingual/biliterate and looking for a way to support our families and students? MVWSD is hiring support staff to serve as interpreters and translators for multiple languages, including Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, and others. Apply now at
Ask your student about their MVEF-funded classes
A few of your student’s favorite teachers and classes are probably funded by MVEF. An extra ELA teacher at each middle school means more manageable class sizes. Art and Music teachers from CSMA and plant science instruction from Living Classroom will begin enriching the experiences of elementary students this month. The generosity of MVEF donors makes these things possible. To become an MVEF donor or renew your gift for the current school year, click here.
Docents needed for Living Classroom!
Volunteer with us to teach fun, engaging STEM-based lessons in your local school!
Do you enjoy spending time with kids and being outdoors? Living Classroom teaches science by using our school gardens as our classroom. No prior teaching experience is necessary. Bring a friend and join the fun!
Come to our training sessions in Heritage Park, 771 Rengstorff Ave. in Mountain View
Mondays, September 12th, 19th & 26th, from 9 am to 12 pm.
For more information, visit or contact [email protected].
YMCA Hiring After School Staff
The YMCA is hiring staff for after school programs that serve students on our campuses. To learn more about available positions and apply, visit
InPlay: After School Programs and Activities
Looking for after school programs for your student? InPlay offers a free searchable program guide for parents, with filters for age, location, price (including free or reduced cost), and more. To find programs local to Mountain View, head to: Available programs include those that serve students with special needs or English learners.
MTC seeks volunteers to mentor and tutor local students!
Do you enjoy working with kids? Would you like to make a difference in the life of a student in our community?
Mentor Tutor Connection (MTC) is looking for volunteers to mentor High School students and tutor K- 8 students in Mountain View and Los Altos schools. By serving as a mentor or tutor, you can help build a brighter future for a young person.
MTC mentors are matched with a high school student who has requested a mentor. They meet regularly (typically 2-4 times per month), building a trusting and caring relationship while sharing new experiences together. A mentor’s role is to be a good listener and a non-judgmental source of encouragement and support. The program is designed to support students who have significant stressors in their lives—providing another caring adult to help them overcome obstacles and plan for a promising future. Students with mentors report having more confidence and less stress.
MTC tutors support elementary or middle school students. Some tutors work with their students remotely, others volunteer in classrooms or after-school. Tutors help with basic skills including reading, writing, math, and more. Additionally, tutors provide a consistent caring adult in a young person’s academic journey. The role of the tutor is to be an academic helper who demonstrates a love of learning.
Additionally, MTC is seeking volunteers for a new program:
Reading Fellows volunteers meet with individual students for 1/2 hour, 4 mornings each week, for a six week period. The program follows a specific phonic-based structured curriculum. It is incredible to see the difference you can make with this intensive framework!
As an MTC volunteer, you will be trained and supported so that you can help students achieve their potential and thrive! You can make an extraordinary difference!
Join us at our Volunteer Information Session to learn more. There is no obligation to sign up as a volunteer. You’re welcome to attend this session and see if this is the right volunteer job for you! Invite a friend!
Date: Wednesday, September 7th
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Location: Online via Zoom (URL provided upon registration)
Questions: [email protected]
Mentors must be at least 22 years old; Tutors must be High School graduates.
If you are interested in learning more about the program but cannot attend the information session, please contact Laura Hill at [email protected] for information on how to proceed.
MVLA Speaker Series: Becky Munsterer Sabky - Author of Valedictorians at the Gate
MVLA will host Becky Munsterer Sabky for her presentation, “How to Apply to College While Keeping Perspective,” on Tuesday, September 13th from 6:00 - 8:00pm. Join us as Ms. Sabky, former Director of International Admissions at Dartmouth College and author of Valedictorians at the Gate, demystifies the college admissions process, offering students and parents guidance on developing a balanced college list, writing authentic essays, and making the final selection decision - all while keeping perspective and staying sane. Register for this free Zoom event here.
Searching for Volunteers to Serve City of MV Community
Recruitment is open for upcoming vacancies on several City board, commissions and committees that weigh in on a wide range of matters. If you have an interest or background in the City’s downtown interests, environmental planning process, library, parks and recreation, performing arts, inclusive community relations or bike and pedestrian concerns, we welcome you to apply to serve on one of these bodies. Find more information and the application form at Questions can be directed to the City Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or 650-903-6304. The deadline to apply is Sept. 29 at 5 p.m.
Start your fundraising NOW for the 2022 Bubb PTA Walkathon
The Walkathon is coming quickly - September 30th is right around the corner! Start fundraising with your students now so we can hit our goal of $30,000 through pledges to help fund programs for our school - follow the simple instructions on this page for all the details you need to get going. Check out the Bubb PTA Walkathon page to learn more about the event, including prizes for your students for hitting $100 or $300 in pledges.
Walkathon Volunteer Leads Committee
We still have many volunteer roles that need to be filled to help make Walkathon a success, including leads in important areas like Lap Marking Lead and Award Alley Lead. We're a fun team working behind the scenes to make this event a success! You can see open opportunities on Konstella and find out more by contacting Walkathon Chair Christina ([email protected]).
Volunteer at Bubb School!
Help us fill 7 remaining open PTA volunteer positions, and consider joining a committee! Browse through the open positions and committees on the PTA Volunteer Positions page to find your perfect match. And many thanks to those of you who signed up this past week!
Win a Class Pizza Party
Put yourself in the PTA picture by participating in the Bubb Membership and Volunteer Drive, happening now through 9/30! Become a Bubb PTA member and complete a short volunteer survey form. Check your email for more details!
Back to School Donations
At Back to School Night, you received a letter from Bubb PTA about Back to School Donations. Please consider contributing the suggested amount of $40, or any amount you can manage - your money will go towards things the PTA helps fund early in the year, such as school supplies and spiritwear for each student. You can return your letter along with payment (cash or check made out to "Bubb PTA") to the school office or your child's teacher as soon as possible. You can also donate using credit card via our Square store today. Thank you!
September Lunch Menu
Docents needed for Living Classroom!
YMCA Hiring After School Staff
MTC seeks volunteers to mentor and tutor local students!
MVLA Speaker Series: Becky Munsterer Sabky - Author of Valedictorians at the Gate