August 17, 2022 - English


Dear Families,

It was a great first week of school!  Students reconnected with old friends and made new friends, rehearsed the BUBB way (Be safe, Use respect, Be responsible, Be an upstander), took their iReady reading diagnostic assessment (in grades 1-5), practiced a fire drill, and learned new skills in reading, writing, and math!  Tomorrow, students in grades 1-5 will take the iReady math diagnostic.  Next week, our Kindergarteners will take their iReady diagnostic assessments.  

Please plan on attending Back to School Night on Thursday, August 25th.  At this important in-person event, you will learn more about your child’s teacher and classroom, ways that you can support your child’s learning, and meet other families.  

6:00-6:45 Presentation for grades K-2 and Ms. Lopa’s class in the classrooms

6:45-7:00 All School meeting near the Peace Tree (the canopy area of the blacktop)

7:00-7:45 Presentation for grades 3-5 in the classrooms

Some quick reminders:

*If your child completed the Summer Learning Challenge, please have them turn in their logs by this Friday!

*Follow us on facebook to see our weekly Morning meeting where students lead the pledge and the school song and we review our weekly announcements.

Have a wonderful week!

In partnership,

Principal Cyndee




Bubb PTA San Jose Giants game - 6:00 to 8:45 pm


Back to School Night - 6:00 to 8:00 pm


Bubb School site Council - 4:00 to 5:00pm


Fall Picture Day


Labor Day- NO SCHOOL


Bubb Walkathon


Professional Development Day- NO SCHOOL


Recess Day- NO SCHOOL



School Picture Day

Mark your calendars!  Picture day is Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Flyers and order forms will be sent home with your student this Friday.


Water Bottles

The weather has been sunny and hot!  Be sure to send your child to school with a water bottle daily, especially on days when students have PE. Write your child’s name on the bottle so it can be returned if misplaced.  Students can refill their water bottles at the refill stations at the drinking fountains.


Reporting absences

To report an absence, call the office at (650) 526-3480 and press 2, or email [email protected].  Provide the following information: date of absence, student’s name, room number, reason for absence, and name and relationship of the person reporting the absence. It is very important, for safety reasons, that we know the reason why a student is not present at school. 

Early Pick Up  

If your child must leave early, an adult must come to the office and sign the student out. For security reasons, no one is allowed to go to the classroom to pick up students. The office will call the classroom to have the child come up to the office.  Students are released only to persons on the emergency card, unless we have a written note or a phone call from a parent whom we can identify. Kindergarten parents must notify the teacher if there is a change in the pickup person.

Lost and Found

All parents are encouraged to label their child’s clothing with the student’s initials and room number. Lost and found items are placed on the lost and found rack located in or outside the office. Students and parents should check the rack frequently for lost articles of clothing and/or lunchboxes. All unclaimed items are donated to charity at the end of the trimester.


Board meeting preview: Aug. 18

The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Aug. 18 at 6 p.m. 

Topics for this meeting include: Safety; Vargas Trees Replacement Project; Future Growth Considerations and Solutions; and Update on COVID-19 Procedures

For meeting details and agenda, please click here:

School meals are free, but fill out the EzSchool Meals application to help your school

MVWSD will continue to provide free meals to all students as part of California’s universal meal program. Breakfast and lunches are available daily.

We ask you to please Apply at EzSchool Meals to help MVWSD receive additional funding to support students who are in need, and may help your family.


This Free and Reduced Price Meals benefit is not limited to meals only. If your child is eligible for free and/or reduced-price meals, your family could get medical benefits, housing benefits, utilities benefits and more.

Students who qualify for free and/or reduced-price meals may be eligible for P-EBT cards. The more applications your school gathers at the start of each school year, the more additional funding it can receive for all kinds of programs that help children at your school.

If you are currently out of work, you may qualify and help your school, regardless of your financial situation. Apply at or call your school office.


Last Call: District Equity Advisory Committee

Help us continue the great work of making MVWSD a more equitable and inclusive community. Committee members will engage in meaningful dialogue and provide feedback to the superintendent and designees about the future of this work in the district. Offer your voice at our virtual meetings. You are welcome here! Our first meeting will be held virtually on Monday, September 12th. To join the committee roster to be informed of meeting dates and links, complete the form linked below:



Why MVEF Matters

Thanks to financial support from parents like you, the Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF) ensures your child will have access to a competitive, well-rounded education that would not be possible without this additional funding.  MVEF is a volunteer-driven, non-profit that raises funds to bring essential programs to all Mountain View Whisman School District schools. State and local school funding is not enough. School funding supports salaries, facilities, and core academic programs that meet state standards. MVEF funding creates the well-rounded, robust learning environment that our kids deserve including art, music, hands-on environmental science programs from Living Classroom and Environmental Volunteers, and middle school athletics and English Language Arts teachers. Please see the website at for more information and to donate online.


August/September CAC Events

Happy Back to School! SELPA 1 CAC and the Learning Challenge Committee are your groups for special education and broader learning challenge needs. We are ALL having learning challenges right now, and CAC and LCC are here to help. If you have questions about learning challenges and special education needs, email [email protected] or check out

We encourage families to learn about the sensory needs all children: Try a Sensory Diet


August 29, 9 am- General Parent/Community Meeting with Special Ed. Directors & Staff, Zoom at 9:00 am for LCC and 9:30 am for CAC. We will be planning for the year, discussing upcoming programs and discussing distance learning and learning challenges. For our agenda, please join our Google group, Register here.


September 14, 10 am Morning Let’s Talk  - IEP/504 support group. Have questions about the process to get help for your child? Have an IEP but are not sure how to make changes? Need to vent? This is your confidential group. Register here. 



Welcome from Project Cornerstone!

The Project Cornerstone Program is a parent volunteer-led, literature-based program addressing important issues like respect, tolerance, honesty, peaceful conflict resolution, taking a stand against bullying behaviors and refusing to participate in gossip.

We are looking for readers in Rooms 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 14, and 18. If you are interested in learning more about Project Cornerstone, see Bubb’s Project Cornerstone web page, or contact Jessica/Vinita/Carol/Claire at [email protected] for more details.


Last chance to enjoy a San Jose Giants game and sit with your Bubb Cubs! 

Join us on Saturday, August 20th at Excite Ballpark. We have a section dedicated to Bubb school, tickets are only $13 each and the Giants have generously offered to give back a portion of all ticket sales. Reserve your tickets NOW using promo code BUBB to select your seats!

Volunteer Opportunities

Take a look at some of the cool ways you can volunteer at Bubb School this year: PTA Volunteer Positions


We are urgently looking for the following positions to be filled:

  • Picture Day (8/31): Help out on Picture Day by assisting the photographers and bringing classes to the MUR when it is their turn. Perk alert: All helpers receive a free photo package! Sign up here

  • Family Events Chair: Plan and promote fun family activities throughout the school year like the Halloween Dance, Reading Under the Stars, Multicultural Festival, Bubb Beautification, Outdoor Movie Night, etc. This is a great opportunity to help build a vibrant community at Bubb. 

Contact Rebekah at [email protected] if you are interested and would like to find out more.

Keep up With The News on Konstella

Now that we're in our first full week of school, don’t forget to join Konstella and add yourself to your child’s classroom - it’s our school communication tool, and the best way to stay in the loop with all the families in your child’s class and the school.

If you are new to Konstella join here. If you are already on Konstella, you can easily move your child to your classroom:

Web:  Click your name at the top left corner.  Click "Your Children" to add/modify your children.

Mobile App: Click the Settings icon at the top left corner.  Click "Your Children" and move them to their new room.

You can find out more about Konstella and all the other programs our PTA supports at



Lifetouch Picture 8/31/22

August Lunch Menu

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